YachtDevices YDWG

Connection with YachtDevices YDWG:

Once set up, the systems connect automatically as soon as you turn them on.

On the YDWG go to the Wifi Client page, connect to the autopilot, Scan networks, choose pypilot, use your password or none and connect:

Connect now to the Pypilot, in the menu under Wifi / network config you now can find below on the page the IP Address of the YDWG:

Fill in the provided ip address at IP address, Port Number 1456, and Submit, it takes a while before the Autopilot is restarted and you can make a WiFi connection with the autopilot again.

When everything is up and running again connect to Pypilot and go to the ip address of the YDWG, which is above that may be different for you. Update the following settings at the NMEA Server there, it takes a moment before the network will run:

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